Dr. Andreas Krause
I am a researcher at Technical University of Munich, specializing in vegetation and Earth system modeling. My work focuses on examining the effects of climate and land-use changes on the terrestrial carbon cycle (see publications). For my diploma thesis, I studied how projected changes in lightning activity might affect global burned area using components of the MPI Earth System Model (Krause et al., 2014). Since then, I have primarily worked with the LPJ-GUESS dynamic global vegetation model, and I look forward to implementing lightning-induced tree mortality into this model.

Moemi Nakano
I am a master’s student in Sustainable Resource Management at the Technical University of Munich. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Biology and Chemistry, where I conducted my final research on the impact of urban land-use changes on animal populations using phenological observation data. My academic journey has centered around ecology and spatial data analysis, and I am excited to leverage my prior experiences for this project.